About Us

About us

A journey of growth, faith and purpose.

Together, we will build a brighter future—one rooted in love, compassion, and service.

Strengthening Filipino Families
Catholic Values and Academic Excellence

Our Vision

Immaculate Conception Cathedral School is a communion of learners and evangelizer becoming effective witnesses of gospel values through a Christ-centered education.

Our Mission

We commit ourselves to a dynamic and relevant Catholic Education through the total formation of learners inspired by Mary’s example of charity, purity and humility in service.

ICCS Prayer

An ICCSian's Prayer

Mary Immaculate, conceived without sin, you carried Jesus in you. He is the gift of new life, the hope of a new beginning and the source of wisdom. You are the mother of Jesus and blessed among women. You are also our mother most humble with a heart filled with immense charity for all. You are purest among us attained by sin.

Mother of our redeemer, you remained humble by opening your entire self to the mind and heart of Jesus. When plagued by pride and self-righteousness, give me humility that I be always open to your ways. Tempted to belittle others or dismiss my own giftedness, let me see Jesus in others and accept his creating power in me. Increase my humility, mend my mediocrity and heal my inconstancy.

Bearer of our savior, Jesus conceived you in his heart keeping you pure, untouched by the stain of sin. Purest mother, ask Jesus to multiply your virtue of purity in my life. Whatever thoughts I think, words I speak, ac-tions I do, may they all be cleansed by the saving love you received from Jesus. Purify not only my senses but my inmost being, so that my entire self will always be a worthy offering to your Son. Grant me the wisdom to be mindful of my motives and thoughts, to be careful with my words and be watchful of my actions. Increase my purity, mend my worldliness and heal my desire for instant gratification.

Mother of love, enflame my heart with the fire of your charity. When I seek only my own selfish wants and personal gain move my heart to em-brace your sacrificial love. Move me to actually spend time with the least and the lost. Let my sentiments of concern or the neglected be trans-formed to concrete acts of giving, not just from my excess but even from my own need. Turn my sense of justice to effective works of compassion. Increase my charity, mend my negligence and heal my indifference.

Lord Jesus, as you endowed Mary with humility, purity and charity, may we at ICCS, strive every moment to be a community of disciples. May we learn from Mary’s example, for you are her teacher and the first and most faithful disciple. Amen.

Immaculate Conception Cathedral School

Our Goals and Objectives

Towards the full realization of our Vision and Mission, ICCSians will;

Become a living proof of Christian Discipleship

Learn guided by Catholic education principles

Exercise servant leadership and active involvement

Demonstrate effective communication skills

ICCS Credo

We believe that true education aims at the total formation of the learners and the ultimate goal is to unite themselves with their Creator.

We believe in the doctrine revealed by God that the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Patroness, is free from all stains of the original sin through the redeeming love of her son Jesus.

We believe that as a school of the Diocese of Cubao we are a community of Christ-like disciples, empowered and sent through effective servant-leadership moving towards becoming a Church of the poor.

We believe that the school is an important force in strengthening Filipino families inculcating duties of citizenship, patriotism, nationalism and stewards of creation.

We believe in providing learning programs that focus on Catholic values and academic excellence that will help discover and develop the gifts that God has bestowed to every learner and prepare them to live and communicate their faith in the world.


Our purpose is to build solutions that remove barriers preventing people from doing their best work.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)